Welcome to TGI Systems!

We are pragmatic, straightforward, out-of-the-box thinkers.

What we do

We find new ways of arranging business and their processes.
We build tools and contemplate methods which address the core of modern information management, business integration methods, and ad hoc issues.

Who we are

We are engineers, architects, geographers and economists.

Our Flair

Creative amalgamation of simplicity and applied thought.


TGI Systems staff employ a variety of innovative approaches when addressing the design or redesign of information, processes, networks, or technologies. These techniques are based on experience and are used to cut through legacy and convention to expose the naked building blocks of the best solution.

Problems typically center on balancing the competition between engineering, environmental, or socioeconomic systems. The solution must be balanced across the dimensions of time, space, and available capital. Resolution is achieved through the optimal mix of people, process, technology, and information to yield the best solution.

Specific tools include:



TGI Systems is a unique organization of talented personnel, whose skills complement one another and the TGI Systems mission. Each individual is an expert in his or her field with experience across the national and international work arenas. This rich combination of qualifications makes TGI Systems as flexible as it is focused.

Josephine R. Wyman
President and Chief Executive Officer

Josie Wyman is a trained internal auditor and financial manager. As the president and chief executive officer of TGI Systems, she oversees payroll, human resources, and contract management. She is trilingual, with substantial international business experience including Canada, Mexico, Peru, Brazil, Chile, and the Philippines. jwyman@tgi-systems.com

Dr. Max M. Wyman
Principal Scientist

Dr. Max M. Wyman directs the design and development of tools that employ location to improve the performance of engineering, environmental, and socioeconomic systems. He holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Astronautics, a Master of Science in Building Design, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Economic Geography. He has managed technology projects in North America and China. mwyman@tgi-systems.com

Mia Gracia Tamayo
Chief Programmer Analyst

Mia holds a Bachelors degree in Computer Engineering Major in Software Development. She is bilingual in English and Filipino. Her specialties include database design, geographic information systems, programming in multiple languages, and web-based technology. mtamayo@tgi-systems.com

Company History

The central focus of TGI Systems LLC is the integration of information through the use of location. The firm also reflects mathematical roots in technology design based upon the optimization of engineering, environmental, and socio-economic criteria. All company endeavors center on thinking out-of-the-box to develop improved business solutions. TGI Systems is the evolutionary result of two prior firms.

The first form was Wyman Real Estate Company running from 1986 through 1997. Here, the importance of location and the distribution of services across the landscape were learned. Terra Genesis, a second firm was operated from 1997 through 2012, focusing on the use and development of spatial data within relational and geographic information systems. TGI Systems takes the next step, with a direct focus on enterprise information and process integration:

  • 2024 - Present School of Saints Congregation Management:a single location for the coordination of policies and approach for a nationwide non-secular organization (see https://schoolofsaints.azurewebsites.net)
  • 2024 - Present Midstream Operators Contractor Management System: a set of web tools and intelligent business rules used to manage timesheets and billing across multiple oil-producing fields.
  • 2023 - Delta Centrifugal Carbon Footprint Calculation: using a web-drive calculation tool TGI-Systems, LLC, calculates the carbon impact of complex industrial processes.
  • 2013 - 2014 Battery-Switching Station Location Optimization: a two year mathematical methods project used in the location of electric vehicle battery service stations across Europe. The diversity of this work reflects the ideals and relationships of the interests and technical capability of TGI Systems LLC.
  • 2010 - Present WyPoint Business Management Software: a set of integrated tools were created for WyPoint to provide door-to-door delivery and mapping functions. The tool also include machine protocols to communicate with robotic assembly system, well as point-of-sale, customer management, general ledger, and employee tools.
  • 2008 - Navajo County Cadastral Mapping Tools: an web-map application for local parcel and ownership research, tax payment, and spatial intersect processes. These tool have been deploy to two other Arizona Counties.
  • 2006 - 2023 Navajo County Information System: an on-going enterprise-wide data integration project, currently spanning work management, building permits, highway management, fleet maintenance, treasury, civil law, business permits, medical examiner, birth certificates, e911, flood control, and others.
  • 2002 - 2006 Texas Department of Transportation GIS Architecture and Infrastructure Project: a three year project exploring spatial data integration processes and GPS-integrated linear referencing systems.
  • 1999 - 2000 Hong Kong Transport Information System Conceptual Design: an initiative to integrate the data and processes across three government agencies and a variety of private transport providers. The tools pioneered here form the basis of TGI Systems business methodologies.

Contact Us

You can also contact Dr. Max M. Wyman, the principal scientist at TGI Systems, about ABE sales, implementation, or other enterprise integration questions.

Phone: 480-775-4000

Email: mwyman@tgi-systems.com