Geographic Approach
Science seeks to classify the behavior of the world into generalized laws and then apply those universal laws to all things. However, location implies a unique position on the landscape - and land variations impart unique characteristics that defy such scientific generalization. Consequently, the performance and interaction of technology and business process change as a function of landscape and environment. TGI Systems builds tools, methods, and services that:
- Maximize the benefit of specific locations through the scientific adjustment of engineering systems and business process approaches.
- Organize and integrate information based upon location and proximity to other entities.
- Analyze the interactions between systems based upon their separation and/or proximity of system components.
This is a common argument within the discipline of geography where land may be viewed as either idiographic or nomothetic. The prior definition implies a landscape of uniqueness where universal generalizations cannot describe the variation between places. A nomothetic approach states that all things must fit universal laws.
There is little doubt this argument will continue for some time, however, TGI Systems has found that technology has become more flexible than land use. This makes sense because technology has been progressing as rapidly as our cities, governments, and changing information needs.
This leaves local landscape as the external set of constraints, with technology the design variable (not the traditional approach of applying the same technology anywhere!). This understanding provides us with the tools to understand the conflict between competing environmental, engineering, and socioeconomic systems. From this starting point, TGI Systems applies the tool of proactive optimization where technology is optimized to the environment and socioeconomic system it must function within.
TGI Systems is a unique organization of talented personnel, whose skills complement one another and the TGI Systems mission. Each individual is an expert in his or her field with experience across the national and international work arenas. This rich combination of qualifications makes TGI Systems as flexible as it is focused.
Josephine R. Wyman
President and Chief Executive Officer
Josie Wyman is a trained internal auditor and financial manager. As the president and chief executive officer of TGI Systems, she oversees payroll, human resources, and contract management. She is trilingual, with substantial international business experience including Canada, Mexico, Peru, Brazil, Chile, and the Philippines.
Dr. Max M. Wyman
Principal Scientist
Dr. Max M. Wyman directs the design and development of tools that employ location to improve the performance of engineering, environmental, and socioeconomic systems. He holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Astronautics, a Master of Science in Building Design, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Economic Geography. He has managed technology projects in North America and China.
Mia Gracia Tamayo
Chief Programmer Analyst
Mia holds a Bachelors degree in Computer Engineering Major in Software Development. She is bilingual in English and Filipino. Her specialties include database design, geographic information systems, programming in multiple languages, and web-based technology.
Company History
The central focus of TGI Systems LLC is the integration of information through the use of location. The firm also reflects mathematical roots in technology design based upon the optimization of engineering, environmental, and socio-economic criteria. All company endeavors center on thinking out-of-the-box to develop improved business solutions. TGI Systems is the evolutionary result of two prior firms.
The first form was Wyman Real Estate Company running from 1986 through 1997. Here, the importance of location and the distribution of services across the landscape were learned. Terra Genesis, a second firm was operated from 1997 through 2012, focusing on the use and development of spatial data within relational and geographic information systems. TGI
Systems takes the next step, with a direct focus on enterprise information and process integration:
- 1999 - 2000 Hong Kong Transport Information System Conceptual Design: an initiative to integrate the data and processes across three government agencies and a variety of private transport providers. The tools pioneered here form the basis of TGI Systems business methodologies.
- 2002 - 2006 Texas Department of Transportation GIS Architecture and Infrastructure Project: a three year project exploring spatial data integration processes and GPS-integrated linear referencing systems.
- 2006 - 2023 Navajo County Information System: an on-going enterprise-wide data integration project, currently spanning work management, building permits, highway management, fleet maintenance, treasury, civil law, business permits, medical examiner, birth certificates, e911, flood control, and others.
- 2008 - Navajo County Cadastral Mapping Tools: an web-map application for local parcel and ownership research, tax payment, and spatial intersect processes.
These tool have been deploy to two other Arizona Counties.
- 2010 - Present WyPoint Business Management Software: a set of integrated tools were created for WyPoint to provide door-to-door delivery and mapping functions. The tool also include machine protocols to communicate with robotic assembly system, well as point-of-sale, customer management, general ledger, and employee tools.
- 2013 - 2014 Battery-Switching Station Location Optimization: a two year mathematical methods project used in the location of electric vehicle battery service stations across Europe.
The diversity of this work reflects the ideals and relationships of the interests and technical capability of TGI Systems LLC.
- 2023 - Delta Centrifugal Carbon Footprint Calculation: using a web-drive calculation tool TGI-Systems, LLC, calculates the carbon impact of complex industrial processes.
- 2024 - Present Midstream Operators Contractor Management System: a set of web tools and intelligent business rules used to manage timesheets and billing across multiple oil-producing fields.
- 2024 - Present School of Saints Congregation Management:
a single location for the coordination of policies and approach for a nationwide non-secular organization (see
Wypoint Garment Care
WyPoint, as developed by TGI Systems, LLC, is a web-distributed garment-cleaning services (e.g. clothing, curtains, bedding, team-wear, special items such as wedding dresses, etc.), connecting web-requests for pickup and delivery service with participating local area cleaners. Any number of different cleaners may adopt zip code areas for service with different price lists and promotions. This offers online customers choices and options. WyPoint provides both the payment method and routing system needed to harvest the pickup and deliveries for each requested cleaner.
Property Tax Management
TGI Systems has created a variety of property tax management and levy generation tools. Our staff is adept at data review of previously generated levies to determine issues and correction. We thoroughly understand the connection of rates to area, and
assessments to tax amounts.
Time Management Tools
TGI Systems, LLC, has build and fielded a variety of customer employee and independent contractor time management tools. Some tools drive simple employee time clock and their associated time sheet. Other applications have called for an intricate set of business rules needed for a variety of billing cases. In all case the automation process saved the clients time and money.
Web Map Tools
TGI Systems, LLC, has been building web maps for twenty years. Applications have included cadastral, assessment, treasury, political, and natural resource mapping. Our current
technologies employ Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) data hubs, Azure Mapping, and SQL Server Spatial. We can combine columnar data, drawing and measurement, and a variety of base maps to clearing present your spatial data.
Congregation Management Tools
TGI Systems, LLC, has been built web sites and data management tool for religious organizations and their following. Tools include speech-to-text tools for sermon documentation and web search, as well as general data management support.
TGI Library
Hydrogen Initiatives
Energy, environment, and sustainability are central to the mix technology and economy in a world of population pressure and depleting energy supplies which are of a traditional nature. TGI Systems staff were some of the first thinkers who suggested replacing the diesel engine of diesel-electric locomotives with hydrogen fuel cells. This makes sense from an engineering perspective because diesel-electric locomotives are already electric, and they typically add power in incremental steps from Stop to Train 8.
However, the true magic of this union is not what hydrogen can do for rail, but what rail can do for the developing hydrogen economy. The petroleum-based energy economy we currently operate under enjoys an installed economy of scale. There are hundreds of thousands of fuel stations already built and in use, drilling platforms, refineries, and fuel tankers. A hydrogen energy economy must first be established as a competitor to these installed pieces of infrastructure, at an anticipated cost considered extreme.
The key here is that locomotives have a range in excess of 500 miles and that rail networks connect major economic hubs. This means very few fueling stations are needed to seed a new energy economy (perhaps less than twenty for the United States). And indeed, this particular transportation mode has carried the majority of economic activity for many countries for many years.
The papers and presentations below are a cross section of the work Dr. Wyman and TGI Systems, Inc. has performed in support of the hydrogen rail initiative. Additional papers are provided which also support the overall hydrogen initiative.
Carbonware Initiatives
TGI CarbonWare™ provides a set of web-based modeling tools to calculate your carbon footprint. Data, collected from your processes (monthly energy and fuel costs), accumulates over time to present a robust image of your carbon impact. Travel distances for business travel and employee commuting are calculated automatically from address and schedule information. Easy-to-use tables facilitate collection and formatting of input information. One of our account managers will guide you through the process, each step of the way. The CarbonWare™ process follows the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (USEPA) greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory protocol:
Accurate modeling of your carbon footprint will help your products sell to global markets. Our tools provide the needed feedback for your management to guide your business forward towards improved business and carbon efficiency. Improvements may include:
- Purchase greener electricity.
- Lower Global Warming Potential (GWP) by moving fuels away from coal towards natural gas. If coal = 100 GWP, gasolene = 75 GWP, and natural gas = 50 GWP.
- Reduce employee commuting.
- Reduce business travel.
- Reduce release of fire suppression, HVAC, and welding gases.
- Invest in carbon offsets.
- Switch to Low GWP refrigerants.
CarbonWare™ is a cloud-distributed tool which can be accessed from anywhere service is available. Any number of footprint-years can be tracked. Annual comparisons can be made between years. USEPA emission factors from any year may be applied to any company annual profile.
Climate change results from the daily increase of atmospheric energy. Before the industrial revolution, the daily amount of energy received from the sun was re-radiated every night back into space. The carbon released from fossil fuels impairs this energy re-radiation, causing the energy to be retained within the atmosphere. This continually increasing amount of latent energy drives the temperature up and increases weather aberrations that are injurious to business, people, and the environment.
The emission of carbon and radiation-blocking chemicals must be reduced to minimize the retained daily energy. Carbon management cannot reduce the carbon already released; it can only minimize additional release.
A CarbonWare™ specialist will be assigned to your company to help guide and educate personnel throughout the reporting process.